Regularly we purchase used vehicles with donations and drive them to Ukraine to hand them over to the defenders of Ukraine, personally whenever we can. The vehicles are loaded with donated medical supplies, which our partner organization “Lawyers’ Move – Хід Юристів” in Kyiv then sorts and distributes to civilian hospitals near the front. With a total of 13 trips, we have so far been able to supply 34 vehicles.

On August 2, 2024, we were able to purchase a VW T5 transporter with special features for Pickup4Ukraine for EUR 6,500: It had a long chassis and a greatly raised roof. It was to be converted into a “Casevac” (Casualty Evacuation) vehicle by our partner organization in Kyiv.
To our great delight, we were able to obtain the support of the German-Ukrainian Society Rhein-Neckar e.V. (Deutsch-Ukrainische Gesellschaft Rhein-Neckar e.V.) for this project and received a generous donation of EUR 5,000 from them to help purchase the vehicle. While driving the bus around to pick up medical equipment, it became apparent that it was going to need new tires and a new turbocharger. We were able to finance the new parts and have them installed before the scheduled departure date with nearly EUR 2,500 out of funds from Pickup4Ukraine.

In October, this VW T5 was part of our 12th transport with a total of four vehicles, which we were able to hand over in Kyiv.

Here is what they did:
(1) Maintenance:
- Complete technical inspection
- Replaced shock absorbers
- Suspension bushings
- New flywheel & clutch kit
- Cat delete with chip tuning
- All filters + oil change
(2) Conversion (Interior) and equipment:
- Aluminium floor with rails for stretchers (+ stretchers)
- 2 small bench seats with storage inside
- Additional shelves and nets in the upper section
- Interior lights (white/red)
- Additional 12v battery
- 220v inverter with several outlets
- 2 fire extinguishers (with mounts)
- 3 tacmed organizers on walls
- Blackout curtains between compartments
- Transparent film on front windows (to prevent flying glass)
(3) Conversion (exterior)
- Replaced rear window glass with aluminium sheets and insulation
- Rear door ladder
- Additional spotlights
- Siren with loudspeaker function
- Emergency vehicle lighting and blinkers
- Rear view camera
- Camo paint job
- Night stealth mode (all lights are out)
- A/T tires
We received photos as the work progressed:

Unfortunately, the conversion was completed only after we had completed our 13th delivery at the beginning of December 2024, and we were unable to admire it ourselves in Kyiv.

On the weekend before Christmas, the converted vehicle, painted matt gray, was finally driven by Lawyers’ Move to the Dnipropetrovsk region and handed over to the recipients of the 110 ОМБР (110 окрема механізована бригада імені генерал-хорунжого Марка Безручка) near Pokrovsk. It is now in service there.
The video linked here conveys an impression of the finished casevac.
A earlier Lawyers’ Move video, using the example of a VW bus Pickup4Ukraine delivered previously, explains why casevacs are essential for saving the lives of wounded.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to this success, especially DUG for its generous donation and, of course, Lawyers’ Move for managing the conversion and delivering it.