We are a registered non-profit charity under German law (eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein).
Our articles of association (Satzung) were recognized as non-profit (gemeinnützig) by the Speyer tax office on 30.10.2023 (Feststellungsbescheid).
Our purposes are defined as follows in our articles of association:
- promotion of welfare (die Förderung des Wohlfahrtswesens) pursuant to section 52 II S. 1 No. 9 of the German Tax Code (Abgabenordnung);
- help for victims of war and their families (Hilfe für Kriegsopfer und deren Familienangehörige) pursuant to section 52 II S. 1 No. 10 German Tax Code (Abgabenordnung).
The purpose of the of the articles of association is realized in particular by the following activities:
- Procurement, transportation and distribution of goods needed locally, in particular vehicles, medical supplies, clothing and food. Recipients are hospitals and other social and educational institutions in Ukraine, directly affected families and private individuals in Ukraine as well as the Ukrainian armed forces, who use the materials to protect the Ukrainian population as victims of war from Russian aggression and avert disaster;
- Humanitarian aid for war victims and their families in the form of donations in kind and cash donations;
- Organizing and conducting fundraising campaigns for monetary and material donations..
Our registry number is VR 61551 in the registry of associations (Vereinsregister) at Ludwigshafen / Rhein district court (Amtsgericht). Our tax ID is 41/659/37327.
We are happy to issue donation receipts (donation confirmation based on the official German template) for donations of more than EUR 300. Please note: For donations below this amount, it is sufficient in Germany to submit a copy of the bank statement and a printout of the donation order (stating the purpose and the association as the charitable recipient) to the tax authority. Donation receipts are issued at the end of a calendar month for all donations received during that month.
Please donate by
Bank transfer to the bank account of our association: Pickup4Ukraine – Unterstützung für Kriegsopfer der Ukraine e.V. – IBAN DE45 5479 0000 0001 8726 48, BIC GENODE61SPE, Reference “Pickup4Ukraine”
via PayPal (please note that PayPal deducts fees from the donations we receive. Please select the “Friends and Family” option. If possible, please use a bank transfer. Thank you!) or
via Venmo
Your mailing address is required for the receipt – please write it in the memo field of your transfer. Your email address is helpful for communication and for receiving our newsletter