How you can support

Searching for and inspecting pickups in your region

Pickups are currently very much sought after in Germany. In order to find reasonably priced pickups, we search in all regions of Germany. As we are mainly based in the Rhein Neckar area (Heidelberg, Mannheim, Ludwigshafen, Speyer) we are looking for you as a volunteer who supports us in other regions by:

  • identifiying pickups for sale in your region on platforms like, or
  • contacting the seller, and if appropriate,
  • visiting the seller at very short notice and inspecting the vehicle.

If you are interested, please contact us under

Thanks very much for your support!


Your donations are always very, very welcome. Please donate via

  • Bank transfer: IBAN DE45 5479 0000 0001 8726 48, BIC GENODE61SPE, Reference ”Pickup4Ukraine”
  • via Venmo or
  • via PayPal (please note that PayPal deducts fees from the donations we receive. Please select the “Friends and Family” option. If possible, please use a bank transfer. Thank you!)

We are happy to issue donation receipts (donation confirmation based on the official German template) for donations of more than EUR 300. Please note: For donations below this amount, it is sufficient in Germany to submit a copy of the bank statement and a printout of the donation order (stating the purpose and the association as the charitable recipient) to the tax authority. Donation receipts are issued at the end of a calendar month for all donations received during that month. Your mailing address is required for the receipt–please write it in the memo field of your transfer. Your email address is helpful for communication and for receiving our newsletter.

Thank you very much for your support!